Tuesday, December 3, 2013

before the fall.

Something I struggle with often is putting other people down.  Not verbally, but mentally, and it especially happens when I'm having a bad day.  I'll be in a bad mood about something or I feel like I dislike myself for so many dumb reasons, and it'll just consume me to the point that I'll mentally take it out on someone else.  Or I justify it by thinking something like "Well, at least my hair doesn't look as bad as so-and-so's."  Yes, I'll admit that having a bad hair day can genuinely put me in a bad mood.  I'm quite particular about the curly mass that grows on top of my head.

And every time I do this, I know it isn't something God would like.  I also know it's not something Jesus would do, and I'm suppose to strive to be like Jesus in everything I do.  But I do it anyway, and as I'm putting others down inside my head, it ultimately becomes a sin of pride.  I start thinking I'm better than someone else because I think my hair looks better than theirs, or because I get better grades than them, or because I dress a certain way.


I do this all the time, and it's been something that I've pretty much always struggled with.  However, only recently have I realized that this is because of pride.  It's thinking that I'm better than someone else because of something as superficial as what I'm wearing or what my hair looks like just to justify the fact that I don't particularly like myself one day. 

One of my old Sunday School teachers used to say that all sin is sin of pride.  The more you think about that, the more true you realize it is.  All sin is disobedience towards God because we think we're better than the rules He has set in place for us.

That's honestly kind of sickening.  To think that we are such rebellious children that we dare to defy our Heavenly Father who loved us so much that He not only set rules in place to protect us, but He sent His Son to die for us.  Who do we think we are?

You've probably all heard Proverbs 16:18 quoted thousands of times.  Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.  But how many times have you heard Proverbs 29:23? A man’s pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.  However, we shouldn't try to be humble in hopes of gaining honor. That defeats the purpose of humility.  We should be humble in the hope of glorifying God.  In our humility, God is honored because we are nothing in comparison to Him. 

Today I pray that I can be more humble and not focus on myself as much so that God is glorified and I can reflect Him in every aspect of my life.


Song of the day: Carol of the Bells by Pentatonix

Monday, December 2, 2013

don't even bother reading this.

You know, I was gonna blog about something right now, but I kind of forgot what I was gonna write, and that's probably because it's 2:17 in the morning and as usual I'm kind of going crazy, so I'll just leave you with this fine work of art:
